We would like to share the key information based on our clients feedbacks which will be useful for you when choosing the software development company for your next project.
Which Technology Should You Choose for Your Project?
Angular, Java, React, Node.js, .NET, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, GraphQL, Python, AWS, Go, Google Cloud, Revit, AutoCAD, Web 3.0 etc. Which one do you actually need? What should be the programming language for your next project? What should stand for the Design? What should your Architecture be based on? Which one is Better? And, most important, Why?
5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Web UI and UX
Designing a website or an app – how to make a “wow effect” on your visitors? We would like to share some ideas and hidden clues with you based on our experience of over 500 projects behind our back. We hope you will find this information useful when building your new website.