5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Web UI and UX

Designing a website or an app – how to make a “wow effect” on your visitors? We would like to share some ideas and hidden clues with you based on our experience of over 500 projects behind our back. We hope you will find this information useful when building your new website.

We are not going to push you with lots of useless information here, so let us go directly to the roots right now! Just write down these easy guidelines below. They will help you to build human-oriented and professional user interface designs.

1. Do not make things complex.

Yes, you got it right. You may think that a lot of features make a website look professional – this is a classic misunderstanding. The easier it will be for a User to navigate to what he actually needs – the better his opinion will be when he returns back again (if he ever will!) This is one of the main criteria for your UX design.

2. Know who your User is and what he needs.

It is easy to visualize this rule: just put yourself on the place of a User. Navigate to your url, try to find what you need, apply for a service you chose. Looks easy? Good. Find it hard? Not good. If you need to buy airline ticket – why would you need the hotel offer before even trying to choose the flight and see its prices?

3. Learn on your and other’s mistakes.

Easier said than done? Yes, agree with that. But take it easy, just next time try not to put that text on a dark background, as its hardly readable. Either change the background or the text color. Easy, right? We are all humans, and we make mistakes. And we also have a capability to learn.

4. See what’s in trend now.

Watch for subject matter experts, review the latest news and options to automate the UX (like plugins, for example). Never copy! Aggregate this information, and create your unique approach to your next design. You can do it!

5. Try different angles.

Stuck in the current project? Tried all your ideas and feel exhausted? Close your pc or laptop and take a break. Whatever you want, but not the UI/UX/Design/etc. Eat, go for a walk, talk with friends, rest. Then review your work with a fresh eye. Got a new idea? That’s right, it works!

And the last: You can do it! We believe in You! We wish You luck and boost in Your career to the highest skies!

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